Business leaders today can learn a lot from Winston Churchill and after a few turbulent years with the global pandemic and a looming recession we need to take heed from Churchill's qualities and lessons.
Whether you’re communicating with employees, partners, or customers, email can help you get your message across quickly and efficiently, making it one of the most important tools in a CEO’s toolkit.
When Shakespeare penned Juliet’s infamous line from Romeo and Juliet – “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet” – we can be pretty sure he wasn’t thinking about tax returns.
Recruiting and hiring the right team of employees is key to meeting organizational goals, staying competitive in the market, and creating the best possible customer experiences.
I started Emmly Group real estate brokerage after more than a decade of working in corporate America. I left a career as an executive for a real estate development firm because I wanted to define my own version of success and create a legacy I would be proud of. I’m inherently a numbers person, but […]
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