Super Musk: Risk, Reward and the Celebrity CEO

June 30, 2021
Leaders of major companies inevitably become famous, becoming aspirational figures beyond their domain. But that’s not the same as celebrity in the sense of public prominence way beyond what follows from doing their job: rockstar antics, glorying in attention, playful exhibitionism in social media, a sense of glamour as much as achievement. So we have […]
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Why Successful Entrepreneurs Are Often Such Difficult People

June 30, 2021
Successful entrepreneurs are frequently nonconformists. They swim against the current and are often perceived as difficult by others. Even as young people, many of them had problems bowing and scraping to authority figures. Entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were able to captivate, motivate and inspire their employees. In this respect, they fit […]
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“Why I’m a Sucker for a Champion!”

June 30, 2021
This admiration embedded itself throughout my own career and from seeing at close quarters some great leaders in my industry. For example, my first boss in investment banking was sharp and seriously challenging. His management style was very direct but fair, and he rewarded his team when they surpassed expectations. These same traits were attributed […]
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Is a 4-Day Working Week the Answer to Improving Mental Health?

June 30, 2021
The Health Foundation has reported that 63% of adults are not only more worried and anxious about the return to work over the coming weeks, but what’s to come in the future. This is a direct result of the pandemic; our society is clearly in need of a remedy to help combat the mental health crisis […]
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How Do the Rich Rest: Are Their Sleep Cycles the Secret to Success?

June 30, 2021
Between Elon Musk and Martha Stewart, you may be asking how the rich rest. Here, we explore the sleeping habits of some of the world’s most successful celebrities and investigate whether imitating their night-time routines could unlock your true potential. Elon Musk Let’s make a disclaimer: we’re not saying that following Elon Musk’s sleeping habits […]
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The 5 Biggest Companies with LGBTQ+ CEOs

June 30, 2021
To celebrate Pride Month this year, we take a look at the five companies across the globe that share two similarities – big revenues and an LGBTQ+ CEO at the helm.
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An Imperative Of Creating Humane High Performing Culture

June 30, 2021
There were many headlines recently about the public apology from BrewDog’s CEO for creating a culture of fear. The alleged toxic culture and attitudes towards staff led to a significant number of ex-employees writing an open letter, claiming that many employees have suffered mental illness as a result of working at the company. Sadly, BrewDog’s […]
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How To Create An Efficient Digital Workplace

June 29, 2021
Aside from having basic tools such as an online fax service and a working office phone line, an online work environment needs to have several necessary components to support a business’ operations. Employers are expected to provide such necessities for their employees to meet their needs and help them remain satisfied with their jobs despite […]
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Why Personalised Awards Are Great For Morale

June 29, 2021
One study found that 67% of employees would work harder if they felt that their efforts are better appreciated. People want their work to have meaning and they want to know that their effort has been seen and appreciated.  While there are many different ways to show your employees that they are valuable members of […]
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How To Draft An Operating Agreement For Your LLC

June 29, 2021
When it comes to business, there is no shortage of paperwork that needs taking care of. Getting this right from the moment your business is conceived will act like a set of guard rails that lead you throughout your journey to commercial success.  Of the myriad of rules, regulations, and agreements a company needs to […]
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The Virtual Economy: Where Your Brand’s Future Consumers Are Already Spending Big

June 28, 2021
Dave Ralph, Lead Design Strategist at Seymourpowell, explores why brands must start to view the virtual economy as a viable source of future revenue.  Your first encounter with the virtual economy may have been on your credit card statement. Several small transactions charged by a company you’d never heard of, that on joining the dots, […]
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Pushing Procurement Centre-Stage

June 25, 2021
Alex Klein, COO and Co-Founder at Efficio Consulting, explores why now is the time to focus on procurement.  The coronavirus pandemic threw the spanner of all spanners into supply chains across the globe, effectively stopping them in their tracks. Amidst the fallout from border closures, lockdown restrictions, and budget cuts, businesses with a two-hand feel […]
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