For decades work has become dehumanised, with employees treated as tools or assets rather than people. A result of business leaders placing economics, management theory and organisational psychology centre stage.
It wasn’t that long ago that a CEO could accurately extrapolate future scenarios drawn from past experiences. Today, experience no longer has the same value because the world is changing so rapidly.
Charlie Wagstaff, Managing Director at Criticaleye, delves into the importance of continuous learning and development even when you’ve reached the top. In today’s fast-paced environment with disruptive competitors around every corner, most CEOs and C-suite executives accept that knowing everything as a leader is no longer possible (perhaps it never was). As a general rule, […]
Today’s consumers expect brands to have a sustainable, charitable or social message and to be purposeful in their product, positioning and communications.
Over the past few years we’ve seen a profound shift in the public consciousness towards sustainability and the importance of practising sustainable behaviour in our day-to-day lives.
The local transport authorities have revoked Uber's license to operate in London following an alleged stint of uninsured and unlicensed Uber trips across the city.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. One hand washes another. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. The notion of mutual benefits is part of our lexicon for a very good reason: There’s a lot of truth in it.
Here Paul Kelly, Head of Employment at Blacks Solicitors LLP, discusses obesity discrimination and what business leaders need to look out for. Although obesity is not in itself a protected characteristic, under the Equality Act 2010 employers can still fall foul of the law by unwittingly discriminating against overweight employees if they ignore physical or […]
With climate change high on the news agenda, and reports showing that there has been a 53% reduction in single use plastic in the last year, we are more mindful of our energy consumption and contribution to the carbon footprint than ever before. But what steps are UK businesses taking to become more eco-friendly?
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