Sales & Marketing

What an Online Black Friday Means for Business Owners

November 26, 2020
eCommerce is set to see a boom year like no other. The companies that have invested smartly in their supply chains will reap the biggest gains from the year's biggest sales event.
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Engage Your Stakeholders

November 25, 2020
In a mountingly cynical business environment, there is no faster route to success than to show your customers, employees and communities that you are serving them.
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5 Companies Embracing a ‘Save the World’ Strategy

November 2, 2020
Even in times when the outlook for the world seems bleak, companies are in a unique position to make an impact for environmental and social good.
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Why Do We Keep Buying the Newest iPhone?

October 30, 2020
A slightly changed look, which takes inspiration from iPhone 5, a slightly improved camera, a smaller box which is supposed to keep in line with the company’s strategy to reduce its footprint, no earphones, no charger, a list of new features few people care about and of course – 5G. Do we need this new […]
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How to Use Mobile Marketing for Growing Your Business

October 6, 2020
2020 has seen the emergence of eCommerce as an enormously lucrative business avenue. With the right strategy, any company can benefit from mobile marketing.
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Marketing Your Business: The Importance of Face

September 4, 2020
Heads of multinational corporations must be more than shrewd businesspeople. To raise their company's profile, they must let the public know their personality.
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ESG - Is It There to Tick a Box or Rattle the Cage?

September 3, 2020
The combination of regulatory impetus, consumer sentiment and investor pressure has driven ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) to the top of the corporate agenda. While companies large and small are increasingly thinking about their ESG stance, the matter is especially pressing for large multinationals and global brands.
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How Gymshark Disrupted the Fitness Industry

August 28, 2020
It all started in 2012 when the Founder of sportswear brand Gymshark, Ben Francis, asked his mother to teach him how to use a sewing machine, so he could make vests and t-shirts him and his friends could wear to the gym. Fast forward eight years, and today, Ben’s company Gymshark has joined the list […]
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How to Implement a Successful Sales Communications Strategy

August 26, 2020
Businesses have one main goal: to make sales. Organisations are pooling more time and money than ever into marketing, product development, and digitalisation in an attempt to find new and successful ways to increase their sales.
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Marketing Mistakes to Avoid During the Pandemic

August 24, 2020
In uncertain times, marketers must update their strategies to avoid alienating the audience they are trying to reach.
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4 Best Ways to Publicise Your Business Awards

August 14, 2020
Business awards can be a great way to show your potential customers and business partners that you are the best at what you do.
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Consumer Mindsets in a Post-COVID World

July 22, 2020
With retail at the forefront of the sectors impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, luxury brands must contend with marketing themselves to a consumer base that has been fundamentally changed.
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