The Biggest Success Stories of 2020

December 1, 2020
To infinity and beyond Walt Disney Despite a rocky year, the success of Disney + earns Disney a spot on the success list. After a wobbly start, the SVOD service launched in November 2019 with immaculate timing. Disney recently reported over 73 million paid subscribers - smashing its goal of 60 to 90 million by […]
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The Jack Ma Story: Why Thinking Big is More Important Than Technical Knowledge

December 1, 2020
"We don’t want to be number one in China. We want to be number one in the world," said Jack Ma shortly after he founded Alibaba. Building one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies doesn’t require specialised or technical knowledge, genius-level math—or even a business plan. But what does it take? Here’s the story of […]
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Rising to The Top: Karolyn Johnson's Journey as a Black, Female CEO

November 30, 2020
Headquartered in Sanford, North Carolina, the company serves as a liaison and consultant to both the manufacturers looking to expand into foreign markets and the buyers seeking to purchase consumer goods from US manufacturers. As Karolyn says herself, KJ’s Global is the link between new ideas, products, and services with desirable export markets. To hear […]
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Engage Your Stakeholders

November 25, 2020
In a mountingly cynical business environment, there is no faster route to success than to show your customers, employees and communities that you are serving them.
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The 5 Biggest Mistakes CEOs Have Made During the Pandemic

November 23, 2020
What are the most significant leadership and management mishaps that have befallen CEOs in 2020, and how can they avoid them in 2021?
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Lessons in Customer-Centricty From Barack Obama

November 11, 2020
The 44th President of the United States had a particular ritual for keeping a people-focused mindset that business leaders could stand to emulate.
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The Power of the Pivot

November 6, 2020
In today's business environment, large companies could stand to learn from startups' willingness to change direction. But how can it be implemented effectively?
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5 Companies Embracing a ‘Save the World’ Strategy

November 2, 2020
Even in times when the outlook for the world seems bleak, companies are in a unique position to make an impact for environmental and social good.
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Why Do We Keep Buying the Newest iPhone?

October 30, 2020
A slightly changed look, which takes inspiration from iPhone 5, a slightly improved camera, a smaller box which is supposed to keep in line with the company’s strategy to reduce its footprint, no earphones, no charger, a list of new features few people care about and of course – 5G. Do we need this new […]
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From Einstein to Warren Buffett: The Important Thing is Not to Stop Questioning

October 30, 2020
These are the words of Charlie Munger, the ingenious investor, billionaire and for decades the closest confidant of Warren Buffett. Munger is a very smart and well-read man. Unlike more than 99.9% of the population, Munger can rightly claim to know what he is talking about on most topics. He reportedly reads a book every […]
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The ‘Time to Change’ Reading List

October 29, 2020
2020 will be remembered as a year of change. Much of the change has been forced upon us unexpectedly, but even during times of turmoil and uncertainty, there are often positives that come out of change that we can embrace and benefit from in the longer term.
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Furlough Fatalism: How the Hire and Fire Binge Destroys Value

October 26, 2020
In every crisis, multinational companies seem to fall prey to a damaging cycle of mass layoffs and subsequent talent shortages. How can organisations avoid this pitfall while managing their bottom lines through a difficult period?
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