What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. One hand washes another. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. The notion of mutual benefits is part of our lexicon for a very good reason: There’s a lot of truth in it.
A globally uncertain backdrop, Brexit plus a faltering German economy casting a cloud over the EU have all contributed to a dip in global M&A activity.
For many of us, work is not just a source of income – it’s an essential source of identity, fulfilment, and self-worth, and some enlightened employers are waking up to the idea that the health of their businesses is inextricably linked to the health of their employees.
Whilst no individual has amassed a trillion-dollar fortune yet, Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, is expected to be the first individual to hit the trillion-dollar mark, as he was the first person to reach $100 billion. For CEO Today’s November edition, the team at Comparisun have analysed past and present valuations of some of […]
Omiros, please introduce us to Brookstreet. Brookstreet is a unique, commercially motivated and flexible Private Equity/Venture Capital (PEVC) investment group supporting companies which experience transformational growth. Our mission is to be the leading investor and partner for innovative, profitable, high-growth and extrovert small-cap (SME) out-performers. Based out of London (the bridge of the world), we […]
With the cultish regimens that Silicon Valley leaders such as Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and other high powered business people claim to follow in order to be in peak performance during the day.
The boardroom disconnect between those with years of career experience under their belts and those starting out is more prominent than ever before, yet, the implications this has for businesses, politics, and society remain unaddressed. 20:40 members congregated recently to suggest ways to improve communication, with the end goal to ultimately bridge this gap.
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