5 US Shops That Will Probably Close in 2018

May 2, 2018
The retail infection is spreading at an alarming rate. The likes of Amazon and Walmart dominate sales through online platforms, leaving high street shopping in the shadows. It’s already a commonly agreed statement that retail consumer buying is on the low, with only bankruptcies in the future ahead. In 2017 a grand 50 US retailers […]
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The 5 Best Marketing Campaigns and Outdoor Banners in History

April 30, 2018
For many business owners, thinking up a new advertising strategy is tough. So, why not check out past successes for inspiration? Where the Trade Buys, a leading UK supplier of outdoor banners and printing services, has found a collection of the world’s best marketing campaigns and looked at why these achieved such phenomenal success to […]
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Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina: Leading Africa’s Economic Transformation

April 30, 2018
Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina is the President of the African Development Bank Group - the premier multilateral development financial institution in Africa. Established in 1964 to fight poverty and promote sustainable economic growth and social progress in Africa, the Bank’s strategy is focused on five development priorities (the ‘High 5s’): light up and power Africa, […]
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Elon Musk: Master of Illusion?

April 30, 2018
Elon Musk is a phenomenon. He is viewed by many as the CEO of the future: a visionary constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible both in engineering and business. But is the man who has convinced numerous investors to entrust him with their billions and negotiated the potentially single largest bonus in business history […]
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Back from the Dead: Failing Companies That Recovered

April 30, 2018
By Louisa Rochford 2018 has been off to a tumultuous start with the fall of Carillion as it went into liquidation, and Maplin and Toys R Us going into administration following their struggles with debt and inability to find a buyer. The loss of these businesses led to the closure of over 200 stores in […]
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Gender Inequality: How To Say NO

April 26, 2018
In business, women are all too often stereotyped as being unassertive and not able to say no. On the other end of the scale, plenty of women are also happy to say no and do it bluntly and too often. Below CEO Today hears from Harriet Heneghan, Director & Executive Coach, EMEA at the Black […]
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5 UK Retailers Likely to Collapse in 2018

April 26, 2018
Competing with online fashion and goods sellers, such as Amazon and Walmart, which appear to be having a huge price standoff, is futile for today’s high street companies, and the situation only looks to be getting worse. 2018 is expected to be the year for high street collapses, and it’s already looking like a grim […]
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A Top Mentor’s Guide to Leadership Success

April 25, 2018
As a Mentor to CEO’s and C suite executives for 10 years through BoardMentoring.com and a CEO and Chairman, it’s clear to see there are certain characteristics that mark out successful leaders. Below Gillian Wilmot shares her tips on achieving success whilst being authentic and true to yourself, illustrated through interviews and stories from CEOs […]
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8 Top Tips on Becoming a Successful Business Leader

April 19, 2018
Below CEO Today hears from Aparna Mahadevan, Senior Solutions Architect for Amazon’s Alexa Skills Team, who has worked in senior leadership roles in Singapore, India and the UK. Here she breaks down her top tips for those striving to become a successful leader at work. 1. Identify your strengths All leaders have their own talents, which are […]
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28 Brands That Use AI to Enhance Marketing

April 18, 2018
Artificial intelligence was introduced half a century ago and since then it has been used to “replace” tutors, travel agents, office, or family assistants. After realizing the benefits that AI brings, companies like Amazon, Google and even Sephora turned attention to state of the art assistants used for marketing, customer relationship management, or recommendation with […]
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How the 3 ‘R’s Hold the Key to a Successful Workforce

April 17, 2018
Richard Acreman is a Partner at WM Reply, a company dedicated to building world-class intranets and business solutions with Microsoft Technology. Their mission is to build the world’s best Microsoft SharePoint and Office 365 solutions to help organisations overcome business challenges. Here he discusses with CEO Today the three Rs: reputation + relationships = revenue. The […]
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Marketing: If You Build It They Will Come

April 12, 2018
Identifying the gap in the market, or your unique selling point (USP), is the holy grail of business success to many. Others believe drive and determination are the most important consideration, whilst some may think it is the ability to take a measured risk. Successful professional Aneeka Patel knows it is a mix of all […]
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