PRO PLANET 43 What Businesses Can Do to Help the Fight Against Climate Change in 2022 Somewhere in the news about COP26, we came across this: “60% of their emissions came from aviation”. COP26 turned into the Davos Forum (World Economic Forum) – not the original Davos which started in 1971 as an opportunity to discuss better ways to manage our businesses. That Davos Forum followed the first World Day demonstrations in April 1970 calling for recognition that the planet is running out of resources and was in turn, followed by the transformational publication of the Club of Rome’s, Limit to Growth, in 1972. Davos started with the participants firmly aware that we need to change our way of life, but over time it has become a must-attend event where you must be seen to be there even if you have nothing to say. David Ko and Richard Busellato
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