Seren Trewavas Founder & Director of Thrive Coaching and Consulting Ltd. We speak with Seren Trewavas - the founder and Director of Thrive Coaching and Consulting Ltd. Seren is a Chartered Organisational Psychologist and an accredited executive coach with both the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and the International Coach Federation - the gold standard in coaching. She is a Master NLP practitioner and a qualified coach supervisor whose work as a coach has taken her all over the world. Assignments have ranged from running programmes on Emotional Intelligence for rocket scientists at The European Space Agency to Just Imagine sessions in Japanese for BBC Worldwide. As a member of the ICF, Seren keeps in touch with the latest insights in the profession and continues to develop her expertise in line with the highest coaching standards. Seren works with individuals and organisations, coaching oneto-one in person and via virtual platforms worldwide. She also designs and facilitates leadership development programmes, helping organisational leaders develop coaching skills to enhance their leadership style, and increasingly to become accredited coaches themselves so that they can support their organisations to develop and sustain a learning culture. She also mentors and supervises coaches to help them improve their coaching competencies. We hear more about her work and her point of view on the benefits of coaching for leaders. 73 How to Solve the Challenges of Today EXECUTIVE COACHING
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