49 EXECUTIVE COACHING learning with the leader we’re working with. Instead of telling them what to do, we ask questions like “What are you committed to doing? What are your next steps? What kind of accountability will you create for yourself? What support do you need from me as your coach? What obstacles might you come across? How will you prioritise your work?” How does neuroscience fit into your model? Neuroscience is the study of the biology behind thoughts, perceptions, emotions, motivations, decisions, and actions. A general understanding of people’s neuroscience gives a leader the basis for emotional and social intelligence—and for creating the psychological safety individuals need to perform at their highest level. Leaders understand their own motivations, and they have greater empathy for others. Most importantly, they don’t just wait for trust to happen; they take active steps to build rapport and trust. preparing people to be accountable. Review the actual steps the person can and will take to progress. In this way, the person being coached develops accountability, self-responsibility, and ownership. The goal is to gain agreement about what will happen next; and who will do what, by when. • Follow-Up and Check-In. At the check-in points, we want to see what’s working and what’s not working and create an opportunity for the person to course correct. We are not interested in digging into the problems to assign blame. We’re here to explore the person’s vision, thinking, priorities, and values, and develop solutions that align with that context. We articulatewhy the goal is important and what brings it to the forefront and help build the person’s confidence and competence. Our main goal throughout the conversation is to keep the psychological ownership of the When leaders reflect upon and understand how their presence, words and interactions impact the performance of others they can make the necessary adjustments to show up and interact differently. Part of the leadership/coaching journey is developing self: As people develop self-awareness they become more aware of what they say and do and how they engage with others (selfmanagement) As they begin to engage differently with others they gain an understanding and awareness of the culture, values and beliefs that exist within the organisation and the diverse relationships operating concurrently in teams (relationship awareness) As their awareness grows they also become more aware of how the system operates, how teams need to cooperate with each other and how units, divisions, staff, customers and stakeholders need to interactwith each other. (relationship management). Reflecting upon who we are as leaders andmaking a conscious effort to create psychological safety in our teams benefits the people in organisations in many ways. When people feel safe, they have access to: • More cognitive resources • More insights • More ideas for action • Wider field of view • Improved critical thinking • More collaborative • Fewer perceptual errors • Less siloed behaviour Investing time in developing people and creating relationships that build psychological safety is a worthwhile investment that will create a ripple of positive outcomes inside and outside your organisation.
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