CEO Today - March 2022

63 EXECUTIVE COACHING For me, coaching is becoming the conversational language and a way of life. It has heightened my level of self-awareness as an individual and helps me live by my values. Each of my coachee–client relationships is unique and amazing in their own way and I am left awed, enriched, and vitalised after each coaching engagement. Coaching makes me a better human being and an effective leader. What are some forms of coaching you enjoy? I have enjoyed each coaching conversation and continue to cherish them. Some forms of coaching I experiment with are coaching for performance, coaching for growth mindset, coaching for behaviour – habit building, coaching on purpose & values, use or neuroscience in coaching, somatic coaching, to name a few. These forms of coaching can be delivered for our youth and leadership alike. I am an ardent student of systemic change and I feel fascinated with the power of bringing a systemic approach to coaching. Studying the change an organisation goes through, combined with enhanced awareness to co-evolve the coaching innovation ecosystem through creating sustainable coaching infrastructures would be a magical learning experience. About ZS Associates ZS is a global professional services f irm that leverages deep industry expertise, leading-edge analytics, technology and strategy to create solutions for clients that work in the real world. Connecting the dialogue & insights that generate through conversations with your people, to the global organisational goals and strategy is the key here. This would mean starting by understanding your ‘real’ people & business challenges, given your business demographics, that coaching can solve for. This can be followed by designing, thought through coaching journeys, with a clear view of the measurable impact each intervention can create. Moreover, empowering ‘Managers and Leaders to become a Coach’ through valedictory coach certification and credentialing programs can be looked at. One of my personal learnings has also been that it is of extreme importance to have leaders who have experienced coaching and believe in the power of coaching, as your sponsors. It makes a sea of a difference to partner with a leader who feels as passionately about coaching as you do, to strengthen the coaching culture. I have been immensely grateful to have partnered with a few in my journey. What makes coaching a compelling industry to be in? The global coaching industry is rapidly growing. It is now approximately a $2.489 billion revenue industry (+21% growth YoY) with a +33% increase in the number of coach practitioners and now with a +46% increase in the count of managers/ leaders using coaching skills at work. Asia itself has seen a +124% increase in Managers, Leaders, Directors and CEOs undergoing coach-specific trainings and credentialing. There is more data and statistics one can locate as a part of the ICF Global Study 2020. Coaching is becoming a life skill. How has coaching benefited you as a coach? “Meaningfully designed coaching programs and journeys can positively impact business performance and shape the future leaders of tomorrow.” LinkedIn:

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