me, I’ve gone through that when I decided to quit my job and leave the well-paid, secure and prestigious corporate world behind. Setbacks and vulnerability are inevitable components of every entrepreneur’s journey and this is why being clear on your WHY and your limiting beliefs will be key for you to bounce back and pull through. Last but not least, make sure to accept help along your journey! Don’t think that just because you founded your own business you must carry all that weight on your shoulders. No one’s zone of genius covers every part of starting a new business. Forming an entrepreneurial mindset, particularly around resilience and confidence, is a development area where the right coach or mentor can provide invaluable impact and be an immensely helpful partner on your journey to success. What is the right mindset entrepreneurs need to have when starting their business? There’s no one size fits all when it comes to entrepreneurial mindset, but from my experience there are a couple of learnings most successful entrepreneurs share: done is better than perfect; get comfortable to pivot; you cannot fail if you learn from your mistakes; and that it is vital to know your limiting beliefs. Being a marketeer and perfectionist at heart, I certainly appreciate the feeling when youwant to go out there with your offer, have everything looking neat and professional, with an amazing customer experience that adequately represents all that hard work you put into your business. However, sometimes done is better than perfect. Launching a minimum viable product to then continously work with the feedback you receive and tweak your offer to create a meaningful product will get you a lot further. When we talk about adjusting your offer, I don’t want to miss mentioning that it is absolutely normal and necessary to pivot! If you see that your offer is not received by customers as you’ve anticipated that’s OK, if you draw the right conclusions. People tend to associate quitting with failing, but that’s not the case; winners simply accept defeat, learn and quit at the right time to create an offer that better suits their target group. Exposing yourself to a (not so perfect) early-stage offer can certainly raise discomfort levels, which is what I want you to get comfortable with. Starting your own business will make you the most vulnerable you have ever felt – trust In what ways can you help them with that? At Mindcapital I offer intense 1:1 coaching sessions, workshops, as well as topic-based online courses and individual business services around branding. My 1:1 mindset coaching is based on an eight-step model to achieve effective change. Having gone through a profound transformation of my professional career myself, I strongly believe that sustainable change strictly follows inner clarity. Hence, my mindset coaching focuses on working from the inside-out, where we start by visualising your story and uncovering your limiting beliefs, work through identifying your core values to define your vision. Only then, do we create a hands-on execution plan for you to achieve your goals and prep you with tools and techniques to bounce back when things might not work out as planned. My support doesn’t stop there. Since all of my clients are at different stages of their entrepreneurial journey, I decided to create a new offer to meet them exactly where they are and where they need support. Clients will be able to book an hour to pick my brain on any topic around launching their new business – from creating ideas for a new brand/concept, naming their new offer, branding, strategy, content planning, or to just get some fresh ideas on how to approach a new challenge or handle a new situation – this is their 60 minutes! Manon Romy Mindcapital also offers workshops and onlinecourses of different scope and depth, centred around topics such as business idea creation, branding, confidence, launch strategies, and other concepts that are relevant to my clients. People tend to associate quitting with failing, but thatʼs not the case; winners simply accept defeat, learn and quit at the right time to create an offer that better suits their target group. “ “ 66 EXECUTIVE COACHING
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