you for your strangths, not for the things you cannot do! Finally, we form our beliefs when we are a child, which is when our subconscious mind absorbs all outside information based on feelings and instincts, without knowing whether these are true. This means that what we learn to believe in our very early childhood, will be applied by our subconscious mind throughout our whole life, if we don’t work on them. Some of these beliefs, we usually call them limiting beliefs, will hold you back in your adult life. To grow more confidence, it is essential to dig deep on exposing those beliefs to change the ones that are no longer valid. Tell us about the course you’re currently working on? I’m currently working on a couple of initiatives, so it’s a very exciting time for Mindcapital! My immediate next launch will be Confidence to go a new online course for aspiring entrepreneurs who would like to truly understand their worth, and raise their confidence to show up as their highest self. This course focuses on exposing and changing beliefs that control your life, transforming self-sabotage into selfmastery, discovering your authentic self and embracing failure to create the life you have been dreaming about. The course will include short daily videos, a reflection workbook, a live call, guided meditations and breathwork techniques to support you. I will be sharing more updates on my Instagram account. Why is it important to have a coach or a mentor when starting a new business? Your mentor and coach is your trusted ally and will help you realise your full potential by supporting you with their knowledge and experience to overcome challenges and foster growth. They offer encouragement, see patterns, and provide guidelines because they have been there and most likely have gone through whatever you are facing right now.. and why should you go and make all those mistakes that millions of others already did – if you could just learn from their mistakes? What are your top tips on confidence? Do yourself a favour and stick to the commitments that you make with yourself, because every single time you tell yourself you are going to do something and then you don’t, you tell your subconscious mind that you don’t trust yourself. On the contrary, if you pull through no matter how hard it may be you are steadily increasing your confidence. Another key point I want you to remember is the following: confidence is a skill you can practice, a state of mind, and a reflection of your attitude towards your personal strengths and weaknesses. Everybody can learn to be more confident with the right techniques. One of them would be to identify the tasks that you excel in and build on them; but to also be aware of your weaknesses and accept them simply for what they are: a couple of weaknesses among many strengths! Remember to focus on what you are good at because people will book Your coach is your trusted ally and will help you realise your full potential by supporting you with their knowledge and experience to overcome challenges and foster growth. “ Contact W: E: T: +41 79 559 17 34 Social Media: mindcapital_tarahakverdi “ 67 EXECUTIVE COACHING
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