EXECUTIVE COACHING www.ceotodaymagazine.com 30 Environmental context. The team coach’s role will be important to helping the team put its intentions into action. Also, challenging the team to sit in the chair of each key stakeholder and not overlook potential stakeholders or the future generation of stakeholders. Finally, reviewing CORE LEARNING is where the team pays attention to what they are doing in each of the other four disciplines and reflect on what is working well and what requires better results. Honest feedback within the team and from stakeholders must be invited and welcomed. The team coach has the important role of holding up a mirror to the team so they can review their own core learnings, achievements, and developmental goals. Then, hopefully, they will celebrate that they exist. As Patrick Lencioni observed in his book The Advantage, “An organisation’s core purpose-why it exists-has to be completely idealistic. Employees in every organisation, and at every level, need to know that at the heart of what they do lies something grand and aspirational. In order to successfully identify their organisation’s purpose, leaders must accept the notion that all organisations exist to make people’s lives better.” of current and future stakeholder demands and what will keep them invested. The systemic team coach has the role of coaching the relationship between the team and external stakeholders. Secondly, the coach works with the team to clarify and agree on how it will meet expectations. To be effective the team must create an action plan that is rewarding and compelling to the entire team and requires all members working together to be achieved. The team coach has the role of helping the team reach a shared commitment that is inspiringwhile keeping inmind the outside-in perspective of external stakeholders and the future-back perspective of future stakeholders. Third team coach focuses on the many dimensions of team relationships so that the team works together in ways that create results greater than the sum of each contribution. The team coach may be asked to facilitate team building activities to enhance communications and cooperation. The fourth discipline requires the team to share the responsibility for developing and managing relationships that will fuel improvements in the organisation’s performance. This will include alignment with the organisation’s culture and awareness of the wider Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and How quickly can they expect to see results? Feeling a sense of urgency is understandable when you know that continuing the way things are is not going to meet your needs. The good news is that some change can begin with awareness, but it will take as long as it takes. Learning to be different by being and expressing your authentic self is both effective and can become effortless. Building a culture of trust, healthy communications and mutual respect will contribute to the speed of change. Plan on investing six months or more in the process. The most effective way to experience transformation - deep lasting change - is from the inside out. When you gain access to the core of who you are and you experience a sense of freedom, you learn to make empowering choices rather than feel restricted as a prisoner of circumstances. Why should more leaders consider it? If you want to reach or surpass your goals, create the impact you want and find the freedom to enjoy your life, you must develop a dynamic highperforming team. Your business and your impact will only go as far as your team allows it to go. In the best organisations, success is fueled by a shared vision, values,
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