Mental Health Awareness Week: It’s Lonely at the Top Roei Samuel CEO and Founder of Connectd The week of 9 – 15 May marked Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK and this year, the official theme was loneliness. As the saying goes, it’s lonely at the top. CEOs and founders often experience loneliness, marking it down as an occupational hazard, and it can, unfortunately, lead to a dark recurring cycle of mental health problems. In fact, entrepreneurs are 50%more likely to have poor mental health than the general population, according to the latest research. The reasons for these disproportionate figures are myriad but the solitary nature of the early-stage journey is prime amongst them. Time and money constraints often force founders to work long hours on their own to drive their business forward and this can be a very lonely place. This can sometimes lead to mental health decline, and with no one to turn to and a business to run, founders and CEOs can feel trapped in this cycle.
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