65 www.ceotodaymagazine.com The Steps to Successful Leadership Legacy & Transition Victoria Firth & Rhonda Curliss Grey Lemon As a founder or CEO, have you ever considered how, after your departure through retirement or for other reasons, your company will thrive? Who will be taking over and leading the business forward and howwill people inside and outside of your organisation react? These are all important questions you need to address and start planning for, yet in our experience founders and CEOs across many sectors, often remain wholly unprepared for such an occasion. We help business leaders with their succession and legacy planning by asking the critical questions and having the difficult conversations people often shy away from. This ensures the remaining leadership team has a clear vision for a sustainable future and employees are informed and engaged about the next chapter. Here, we share some practical steps for succession and legacy planning to help business leaders achieve a successful and sustainable outcome for everyone involved. VISION & STRATEGY
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