EXECUTIVE COACHING www.ceotodaymagazine.com 43 Why Self-Acceptance Daniela Aneva We hear from Daniela Aneva - an experienced executive with a proven track in bringing organisations from startups to enterprises. focused on internal coaches, agile coaches, or leaders. As an external coach, I work with those internal coaches to address the sessions they have with their clients. How do they come across as coaches, what is their role in those sessions, do they feel insecure, do they lead unconsciously their clients or how do they address their own feelings of confusion or helplessness. What are your top tips for living a happy life both in the office and at home? My career has taught me one thing - learning to accept yourself is the key to happiness and success! You will be surprised at how many people lack the ability to accept themselves for who they are. Many people are able to put on a front so they appear self-confident when they actually aren’t at all. The good news is that, even if you’re one of these people, you can learn how to accept yourself. If you’re suffering from low selfworth and confidence, you really do have What is the value you try to bring to each client’s life? I consider myself a change expert: I help individuals to manage change better, complimenting the organisations and their leadership teams to go through change easier or just prepare for this expected change. Within my portfolio of services, I support post-acquisition alignments as I work with the acquirer’s company executives or leadership teams, so they go through the transition easier. I help address attrition risk by coaching key leadership positions, exposed to a change from the acquiring company as well, or help executives make a decision and review their strategy and organisation development in such cases. I work with executives and leaders to address career growth, prepare, own it and get the promotion or the transition they are hoping for. Some other really valuable outcomes and services my clients can expect are is the Key to Success
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