Jim Prior CEO of Superunion The Wimbledon tennis tournament is in full swing. Tennis is a unique sport in many ways with its bizarre scoring system; the number of biomechanical, equipment, surface andweather variables it brings into play; and, the complex interaction between mentality and physicality that it demands of its players. But perhaps the biggest oddity in tennis is a fundamental difference in the nature of the spectator sport versus the participation sport: although the vast majority of club players almost always play doubles, almost all of them prefer to watch singles. These are two massively different games in terms of patterns of play, technique and strategy, and it strikes me as quite strange that people choose not to watch the sport they play and vice versa. I can’t think of any other sport in which this dichotomy exists. 53 VISION & STRATEGY www.ceotodaymagazine.com HowTennis Serves up a Lesson in Simplicity that Organisations Should Learn
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