27 largely responsible for Harrison County’s diversity. Part of the Gulfport-BiloxiPascagoula metropolitan statistical area, the county has a wide mix of businesses from retail and manufacturing to pharmaceuticals and healthcare research to composite technology and shipbuilding. Logistically there’s rail (CSX, KCS, Rock Island Rail), the deepwater Port of Gulfport (DOD Strategic Seaport designation), and GulfportBiloxi International Airport (a joint civilmilitary public-use airport and second largest in Mississippi). In addition to new business recruitment and existing industry retention throughout Harrison County as well within our industrial parks, other services provided by HCDC include: • Ownership and management of the Bayou Bernard Industrial District (BBID), Long Beach Industrial Park (LBIP) and the North Harrison County Industrial Complex (NHCIC) with marketing, sales, leasing and business support. • Utility (water and sewer) provider in BBID and LBIP. • Management of the C1 spoil disposal area for dredge material off Reichold Road in Gulfport. • Partnerships with land owners to develop and market properties for expansion and investment.
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