65 VISION & STRATEGY www.ceotodaymagazine.com Bernard Marr We are in a period of immense change. New waves of technology are being introduced to speed up and modernise processes in our workplaces, whilst growing consumer demand for purpose-led brands has driven companies to reconsider their corporate strategies to gain a competitive advantage. But what skills will CEOs need to lead their organisations into this increasingly digital world, and how can we develop them now to ensure that we’re choosing the right path? Here are what Bernard Marr thinks will be the top traits and competencies of the successful CEOs of the future, plus some tips on how to improve them now to thrive in the workplace of tomorrow. What Skills Does the CEO of 2030 Need Today ? It’s important to recognise that we don’t all communicate in the same way. If you can identify your style and those of your peers, you’ll be better placed to tailor what you say to your audience. “
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