Connecting and networking with individuals in your line of business can benefit you in many ways. Thus, when going on a vacation, choose a destination where there’s a conference happening. For instance, you can go to Barcelona in November to attend a MICE expo, a leading global event for the meetings, conferences, and events industry. For executives travelling to the US, you may want to attend the EntreLeadership Summit in Orlando in May. Considered one of the world’s top executive leadership conferences, it offers fresh leadership insights that can benefit you and your organisation. The conference will inspire you to be a better leader and sit through speeches from the world’s top CEOs and leaders. You will also have the chance to interact with these leaders and other influential executives. If you’re in the IT industry, schedule your trip to the US in October and take advantage of the opportunity to attend the Evolve Technology Conference in Las Vegas. It’s a great place to learn from senior IT executives who will share real-world ideas about the IT environment.
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