“Triple O Games was one of the pioneer companies in Spain and the Canary Islands to implement the remote work philosophy before the pandemic and even more within the video game sector. It is true that the company must trust and rely on responsible people, but it is the best way to balance personal and professional life. If I can, I would never go back to work in a company that was not remote,” says Raquel Castro-Estévez, Marketing and Communication at Triple O Games. The last word comes from the CEO himself, Isidro Quintana: “Companies have always tried to have a high level of control over their employees to ensure that they did the tasks they were given. We are seeing a new model of business, where if the individual’s purpose is aligned with that of the company there is a much higher degree of commitment and productivity. Then add in intrinsic motivation incentive policies, which are aligned to individual freedom such as days off, flexible hours, remote work, asynchronous communication and fewer meetings, family reconciliation, together with fair and reasonable extrinsic incentives including salaries, economic bonuses, shares and tokens. The result is that you get not only highly productive people, but happy people who see their work as a part of them, like any founding partner. Gone are the company-worker labour models where you did x work for y hours for z money, for a much more open model where employee and company have a more human, intimate and close relationship. This is the spirit of Triple O Games.” 33
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