THE CEO INTERVIEW 55 22 Mr Petrone has an Economics Degree from the Università degli Studi di Salerno and a Master’s in Business Administration, as well as an impressive career in retail, entertainment and financial services. He’s worked for Ferrero, Sara Lee Corporation and Unilever, holding increasingly senior positions. He joined Mattel Corporation as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Italy in 2001 and progressed to Vice President and Managing Director South Mediterranean Countries, and Senior Vice President and Managing Director SEEMEA Region. In June 2008, Petrone joined Sisal Group as Chief Executive Officer, leading the company through innovation and diversification, tripling its turnover and significantly improving its profitability. Under his leadership, Sisal Group became one of the leading Italian private companies with about 2,000 employees and a turnover of over €19 billion. After founding and developing SisalPay, the Group’s payments division, inDecember 2019, Emilio Petrone led the creation of Mooney - the first Italian Proximity Banking & Payments company, following the agreement between SisalPay and Banca 5 (Intesa Sanpaolo Group).
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