THE CEO INTERVIEW rugs as I do selling them. Having spent my entire business career in this collecting niche, I am tremendously gratified to receive continual feedback from clients about how much they enjoy what they acquire from us. You have spoken of the rugs in your inventory. Can you provide a general description of what they are and why clients are attracted to them? The rugs are both rare art and precious tangible assets, valued in the $10,000 to more than $500,000 per piece range. Many clients start by buying rugs to furnish spaces in their homes, but they become more and more inspired by the incredible beauty and artistic virtue of their pieces and wish to surround themselves with them. Our clients come to recognise that there are precious few of these pieces available and that they are irreplaceable as investments and great art. What lessons have you learned and how do you think your success can be applied in the broader business world? Don’t hesitate to embrace old-school commonsense business practices while also adopting advanced technology as a means to gain industry leadership. In our case, we have a well-trained, extremely enthusiastic staff, many of whomhave been with us for two to four decades. Our client, JohnWarnock, then the CEO of Adobe Systems, guided us to build our first website in 1980, and we have redesigned it multiple times since then to continually update the user experience and the site’s SEO capabilities to reach an ever-widening audience. We have an ethos that our clients and staff embrace because it is genuine and heartfelt. I enjoy my work immensely; my staff members are hardworking and impassioned, and our clients deeply relate to what we provide them. All in all, Claremont Rug Company is a 43-year-long labour of love. Q Q Q
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