LESSONS IN LEADERSHIP The concept originated from a study by Carl Von Clausewitz into Napoleon’s defeat of the Prussian Army early in the 19th Century. The defeated Prussian Army was highly controlled, bureaucratic and status conscious. There was very tight discipline and officers were expected to follow orders. On the other hand, Napoleon focussed on inspiring his soldiers and empowering his leaders. He actively encouraged his officers to understand the big picture and to make decisions in battle without checking with him. Napoleon’s leadership style was the essence ofwhat is nowcalledMission Command. Mission Command worked for Napoleon right up to Moscow and, more usefully for the reader, I have seen it successfully applied in a range of organisations including businesses, schools, universities, and charities. It allows leaders to harness the enthusiasm and talent of others. It is energising and empowering, allows speedy decision-making, and helps people to prioritise and to focus on the important work. Mission Command is largely about culture: it insists on certain positive ways of working, and all activity is focussed on a clear and robust aim.
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