5 Ways 49 In times of economic uncertainty, many aspects of our lives that previously felt calm and secure can suddenly become sources of stress and concern. One such aspect is our income stream, which can increasingly be at the forefront of our minds, leading to unwanted feelings of worry. Within the workplace this increased burden can be unsettling and can affect numerous aspects of an employee’s job. Continuous distractions and uncertainty may erode job satisfaction and productivity of the workforce. In combination with the perpetual worry of being made redundant perhaps through the company downsizing or being laid off, there is a significant likelihood of diminishing well-being and if left unaddressed, a downward spiral towards stress, anxiety and depression. With this information in mind, business leaders should pause and analyse how to bring about improving the culture of the workplace to better support the staff’s mental health. While this is clearly not a ‘one size fits all’ approach, the focus should remain on creating a culture of support, stability and psychological safety by: For an organisation to fully promote trust and reassure their team members, transparency is a key factor. “ Leaders Can Support Staff Mental Health During Economic Uncertainty Dr AdamGreenfield Co-founder of WorkLifeWell
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