CEO Today - April 2023 43 scientists, research methodologists, and statisticians who meet the highest standards of data quality and statistical rigour. Our statistical expertise assures that data are gathered and analysed to produce high-quality statistical products while protecting confidentiality, privacy and security. The statistical expertise CRP applies includes anticipating and addressing the needs of data users and providers, executing statistical techniques that maximise the quality of statistical outputs and implementing data management best practices. CRP offers its clients a wide range of qualitative capabilities, including case studies, cognitive interviewing, content analysis, ethnographic studies/research, focus group research, key informant interviews (virtual, in-person, telephone), and participant observation. As a result of our cognitive laboratories (interviews) and focus group research, we have developed specialised expertise in generating qualitative evidence in hard-to-reach populations. Our evidence-building activities have included policy assessments and all types of program evaluations (e.g., formative, process, and outcome) using the most rigorous designs, as appropriate. Along with choosing a particular evaluation design, other factors that CRP considers in designing an evaluation study include the following: • All potential sampling methods, including sampling frame, study setting and sample size; the criteria for inclusion and/or exclusion, anticipated sampling list, method of selection, and group assignment; running of a power analysis; and estimation of attrition, along with information explaining the basis for the estimation, and how it will be handled. • How the data will be collected, who will collect it, what procedures will be used, and what basic research protocol will be utilised for data collection. • Instruments and data processes/ data collection forms and descriptions of their domains of information collected. • Procedures for the training of researchers/interviewers, data collection, and handling of human subjects/confidentiality issues. • Data analysis and evaluation (statistical procedures and methods utilised to analyse the data for each hypothesis being tested and how missing data will be handled). • Possible hazards to evaluation personnel and study participants, and procedures to prevent potential harm. Meeting Logistics Support CRP also specialises in creating customised meeting, conferencing, and events planning solutions encompassing all aspects of virtual, hybrid, and in-person meetings. Our certified virtual events and meeting management planners can provide innovative solutions to our clients’ meeting- and events-related needs. Our customer-focused approach includes a team of talented professionals possessing the tools and insights critical to ensuring positive outcomes for meetings. We manage all possible meeting requirements for multiple and simultaneous meeting formats, including conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings, symposia, and roundtables. We coordinate and manage meeting logistics solutions that advance

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