23 www.ceotodaymagazine.com THE CEO INTERVIEW the time of discharge and then contact the patient after discharge to ensure that they got the pills they were supposed to be taking and that they’re taking them correctly. Proper handover and follow-up can have a significant impact on drug adherence, lowering adverse events and decreasing readmissions. Clearly, follow-up is critical to the success of adherence. The other issue I was curious about was whether or not the patient was ultimately responsible for taking these medications. They make the decisions. What recommendations do you have for patients and individuals regarding pharmaceutical use? What is their function? Well, it is the responsibility of both the patient and the medical and care provider team to collaborate. You know, I may have given the impression that the doctor is ordering you to take these medications. You are familiar with the phrase, “Here you go.” Yet, a dialogue is genuinely required. It must be a two-way dialogue to determine what are the greatest remedies for a specific issue, and if meds are involved, what are the most suitable medications? Actually, it is essential that we comprehend the patient’s factual life circumstances. Do they have money problems? Do they have challenges with pill opening or transportation, or do these social issues need to be communicated to the physician and discussed? So, if the physician does not inquire, it is the patient’s responsibility to communicate effectively. There must be a conversation about if there are any adverse effects that patients are particularly concerned about. Is sexual dysfunction a cause for concern among hypertension patients? Or are there cultural explanations? Do they believe that their hot or cold medications should not be taken in conjunction with specific diseases? This must be communicated to the physician if they are not asking; hence, patients must speak out. Public health is the final group that I believe plays a part in this. What role has public health had in enhancing drug adherence? Public health plays a significant role because it affects towns and counties nationwide. So, they can find gaps in care, challenges, or disparities in care across a community and implement large-scale interventions, which is well beyond what we could accomplish as a company. We look at our Medication Adherence Programs. You’re aware that we’re attempting to save lives, reduce fatalities, Mihai Manolache
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