CEO Today - June 2023

CEO INSIGHT I am hugely passionate about history. In my free time, I am a practising medieval knight - proficient in swordsmanship, a keen archer, and an expert in medieval combat, as seen on my Modern History YouTube channel. I admire the principles of the chivalric code and believe chivalric qualities can, and should, be applied to everyone irrespective of gender, colour, creed, or political leaning. Say ‘chivalry’ to people, and many of them think you mean a certain form of behaviour by men towards women – opening doors, giving up seats on public transport, even laying your coat across a puddle Walter Raleighstyle. But it’s barely scratching the surface of what chivalry truly is. As a CEO of a workforce that is continually growing and changing, I’ve always tried to apply and honour a code in business that keeps us rooted in the values we were originally built on. That means paying people on time, doing fair deals, protecting the weaker and less fortunate, and being a decent person: not a pushover or a goody-two-shoes, but someone who stands up for what’s right. I’ve worked to ensure I’ve kept a

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