CEO Today - June 2023

53 BOARDROOM BREAKTHROUGHS "BY ANY OTHER STANDARD THIS WOULD BE DEEMED A CRISIS." able to get something back. So how’s that going? If we are to believe the statistics - not too well. We can start with the gender pay gap, but we will wish we hadn’t. It always depends how the data is cut and spliced but as a general rule, women are still only earning 75p - 80p to the men’s £1 and the Equal Pay Act was brought in in 1972. In the finance industry, the average gender pay gap in 2022-23 was 22.7%, only marginally below the 23% reported in 2021-22 . Clearly as effective as the proverbial chocolate teapot. The World Economic Forum doesn’t expect the gap to close for 100 years. Unless we can get cryogenically frozen, women are not going to see the missing 20p any time soon. What’s more, 75% of women find their jobs no longer make sense when they have to pay for childcare . Pregnant Then Screwed have determined that a woman earning £33k per year, post childcare costs, will take home £15 per day. I’m not Nearly 82 million women around the world don’t have any legal protection against discrimination in the workplace source: World Policy Analysis Centre, 2017

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