What is the primary philosophy or guiding principle that underpins your coaching practice at Untangled Coaching? My guiding principle is that everything we want is on the other side of fear. When we understand that fear is the way our negative voice keeps us safe, we also learn that we have a choice - listen to the fear and desert our efforts or listen to our higher knowing and do it anyway! Our negative voice tells us lies that latch on to our deepest fears to keep us inside of our comfort zone. This voice needs us to do today exactly what we did yesterday (we survived, didn’t we?), and so as soon as we want to branch out, the lies begin. The trick is to anticipate in advance that fear will come - not because you are bound to fail, but because you haven’t done that before… In your opinion, why are confidence and empowerment so crucial in today’s professional environment? Too often, I come across teams that are only functioning at the surface level, but when you start looking at the individuals, you see insecurities, fears, imposter syndromes and doubts that could very easily be mitigated and turned into strengths. Still, for some reason, Management won’t invest in their teams’ confidence and empowerment. Confidence and Empowerment are crucial because we are all unique and we each have gifts, talents and unparalleled views to draw from in the workplace. When we don’t feel safe to be ourselves and see ourselves as worthy, we end up diluting our messages and our strength and don’t give others a chance to see what we bring to the table and why we’re important to be kept and nurtured. It becomes a vicious circle that elicits stress and unhappiness, not to mention dysfunctional teams and poor performances. What are the common barriers you see in individuals who struggle with self-confidence and empowerment, and how does your coaching help overcome these? The common barriers are the need to conform and be like everyone else. People are too worried about fitting in than being the true stars that they are. In my coaching, I help people see that when they shy away from their true gifts, they rob themselves and the company of the real talents they bring with them. I help them find ways to speak up and own their true selves. I work with them to see that they are better than what they allow themselves to believe and how to start shining where they once shied away. How do you measure progress or success in your coaching sessions? A lot of the work is measured by reports of change in how my clients were before vs. how they are now. People notice their attitude changes and that they truly feel more empowered, and when they do, their teams and companies notice them more. In what ways does your coaching methodology extend beyond the coaching sessions to help individuals maintain their confidence and empowerment in everyday life? My clients have access to me in between coaching sessions because I believe that sometimes real growth moments happen outside of the sessions, and when my clients need my support - I am there for them. My clients always tell me they have my voice in their heads even when we finish working together because I help
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