them look at life in a completely new way through the work we do. How do you envision the future of Untangled Coaching? What are your plans for growth and development? Just over a year ago, I decided to go back to my old passion of the Mind-Body Connection and became certified in the energy healing modalities of the Emotion and Body Codes. Nowadays, alongside my coaching work, I work a lot with people suffering from chronic pain, illnesses, or unexplained medical conditions to heal or reduce their symptoms. I combine in this work the core belief I spoke about earlier, that fear is one of the biggest elements that keep us stuck, and also work on the basis that every physical ailment has an emotional basis. - this fits into the empowerment work I’ve always done with people. For our readers who may not be familiar with the concept of these energy healing modalities, please explain what energy healing is and how it works. The Emotion and Body Code energy healing modalities, work on the premise that we are all energy. As such, when we go through emotional events or trauma that we don’t process, the energy of these becomes trapped in our energy field, causing us to feel pain and discomfort. The idea is that as we release the trapped emotions and imbalances, we slowly restore the body’s innate ability to heal itself, something it struggles with when we are full of blockages. These blockages cause all sorts of trouble - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and when we clear them, fascinating results are noticed. How does energy healing complement and enhance your coaching practice at Untangled Coaching? I now offer two types of work: the coaching I mentioned earlier, and the healing, in which I combine both coaching and healing. It means that not only do I help people release their blockages, but I also help them find where in their lives they haven’t been operating out of alignment and harmony and bring more of what truly calls them into being. There is no end to what people can do when they finally believe they are limitless, and limitless can only come when fear is no longer viewed as a valid reason to ‘not doing’. Einav has also published four ebooks titled: Finding your authentic voice at the workplace You are limitless: play to your strengths Communication styles that work Believe it! You are good enough To learn more about Einav visit:
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