GOOD INTENTIONS AREN’T ENOUGH Three years on from Covid-19 caused widespread economic and social disruption, the new Board Planning Transformation Benchmark Survey asked 2,450 decision makers across the UK, US, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Australia and Singapore how they are faring in light of a series of economic ‘unprecedented’ events. Just 13% (UK: 12%) said they were unaffected by events, such as Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and the cost-of-living crisis. As a result, 85% (UK: 78%) of businesses say planning is now taken more seriously across their organisation; 76% (UK: 65%) have seen budgets for planning transformation and planning teams increase; and 94% (UK: 90%) are being asked for a more strategic approach to planning by their boards and / or investors. The report highlights that 90% (UK: 91%) of transformations failed for one reason or another. A lack of technical capability within the organisation is cited as the top cause of failed transformations by over a quarter (Global: 26%; UK: 22%) of decision makers. Lack of investment in skills (Global: 23%; UK: 22%) and scarcity of team resources (Global: 22%; UK: 24%) came in close second and third places.
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