To be clear about my position on this: businesses should not be evaluating customers’ political views as part of risk-assessing them. When it comes to criminal intent or activity, yes absolutely - these are a real commercial risk that have to be managed and addressed. And sometimes political views at both ends of the political spectrum can turn into a criminal issue. But that is not what was happening with Nigel Farage. The bottom line is that no CEO, especially one with access to the privileged data set a banking CEO has, should ever discuss any aspect of any specific customer with anyone outside the bank. Building a business that endeavours to have a positive social impact through its main line of business is not just desirable but it is imperative as we try to build stronger, healthier and more productive societies in the face of the multiple challenges we face. As is building a healthy, productive, and inclusive culture inside the business - one where every talent of every employee is harnessed to make the business more successful. However, those two things are in no way the same as publicly crusading on matters outside of your core line of business and the ways in which it impacts society at large. Finally, and most importantly, inclusivity really is worth nothing if we don’t include those who have views that we disagree with. As Abraham Lincoln once said ‘I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better’. Maybe Nigel Farage was debanked purely for falling below a net wealth threshold, maybe it was for his political views, or maybe it was for both. Only the first of those scenarios would have been ok. But the public relations disaster created around the whole issue means we will likely never know for certain what really went on. Did Alison Rose make a serious error of judgment? Yes. Has this issue been made infinitely worse by a need from the public and "INCLUSIVIT WORTH NOTHIN INCLUDE THOS VIEWS THAT W WIT
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