According to the G7 productive business index, the UK is lagging behind nearly all of the world’s largest developed economies because of failures to invest in and enhance technological adoption, innovation, management and leadership. Embracing technology does not equate to better productivity alone, and by far one of the greatest barriers to a good output is a workforce that does not understand how to use the systems at their fingertips. Whilst there is no question that technology is an enabler of productivity, historically most evident in the time saved using emails rather than paper letters to communicate, digital adoption is the real key to a more productive workforce. Inefficient workflows are another inhibitor of a positive yield. Often, this stems from workers being required to communicate with multiple partners, leaders and colleagues in order to complete tasks. This can sap productivity as much as siloed working and, as such, leaders should endeavour to challenge workflows that are slowing positive results. A recent survey of 31,000 people across 31 countries conducted by Microsoft found that nearly two thirds of employees reported not having enough energy or time to carry out their job. It follows that CEOs need to identify the employees with the most efficient workflows and encourage this style of working across the organisation. Change is necessary to sustain productivity in the long-term, and creating one evolved workflow, with a few tweaks to accommodate individual needs, will help to remove such barriers. Barriers to productivity
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