CEO Today - September 2023 Edition

Investments in new technology present an opportunity for better productivity in the C-suite too. With new applications and software promoting connectivity, senior leaders can now spread decision-making across virtual chats and in-person meetings. This option can remove obstacles such as coordination and accommodates different working styles to ensure all leaders can express their opinions. Technological developments in the collation and management of data have equally bolstered CEOs with better insight into the organisation’s productivity. Moving away from a reflective view of performance, CEOs can now discern how the organisation is performing and how it will perform in future. Having this digital twin of the organisation empowers CEOs to prevent negative outcomes, make improvements and drive organisational change. Many businesses are now adopting a data, digital and technology framework and are joining flows of data in order to be proactive, rather than reactive, to reinforce productivity. There is no question about the opportunities technology provides to better organisational performance, but it is fundamental that CEOs exercise sensitivity when implementing digital change. People should always be placed at the core of any change journey and responding to their needs throughout will help to make digital adoption and productivity growth a reality. Sarah Towers is the Operations Director at business change consultancy, Entec Si. CEOs and Productivity

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