How Are Apps Using Your Data?

March 20, 2018
Research from The App Developers has discovered that whilst 58% of the population are worried about mobile Apps stealing personal data, they still went on to download as many as 100 paid apps each, over the course of 12 months. Surprisingly 73% of respondents said that, despite being worried about their data, they would still […]
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The Top 10 Software Technologies to Increase Productivity

February 7, 2018
Time management is a vital skill for all professionals to have, whether you’re in an entry-level position or a board director. It’s easy for us to be distracted from our daily to-do list and procrastinate. Below STL Microsoft Training lists ten software technologies which are used to help increase productivity. These tools can help you […]
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How Can You Get Face 2 face with a Digital Customer?

September 12, 2017
In today’s digital age, there are more customers using apps and websites than there are physically walking into a high street branch, so how are executives, managers or any level of staff supposed to provide optimal customer experiences? Brendan Woods, founder and CEO of AutoEntry, below talks to CEO Today about this growing matter. ‘Millennials’ or […]
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Here’s Why Your Privacy Policy Can Cost You a Lot of Business

July 5, 2017
Privacy Policies, whether a small or large firm can often play a crucial role in retaining customers, but when your privacy policy doesn’t meet the standard required by its platform, sector or market, for example on an app store, then you may be in for losing a lot more business. Here Cleland Thom, principal of […]
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