Anu Shah, CEO of ZAG, discusses the possibilities and opportunities in the fallout of Brexit after the deadline to leave the EU was extended. As part of a growth consultancy and as an investor in start-ups, I am often meeting people powered on a “glass half full” philosophy. As CEO, the glass is, of […]
Nick Liddell is the Director of Consulting of The Clearing, and Co-author of Wild Thinking. In this article, Nick discusses whether brands are contributing towards a polarised society. “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” The quote above is from Peter Pan, but sums up in twelve simple words […]
Working in the technology industry is immensely exciting due to its fast-paced nature, progressive attitude and mind-blowing discoveries that are literally occurring with each minute that passes.
Being a CEO is more than just managing a business and being the face of the company, it’s about living a certain lifestyle, making everyday decisions for the bigger picture, and micro-managing your time down to each detail, so having a couple of gadgets that make your life easier can actually be really helpful.
We all understand the importance of employees having a growth mindset and engaging in lifelong learning. These are essential habits for CEOs to foster at a cultural level. This is as important for retention as it is for productivity. Attitudes among employees, particularly for voluntary learning and building on soft skills, has changed. Having the […]
Who doesn’t want an innovative culture? The kind that generates innovations like bureaucracies generate paperwork, and which disrupts industries so often it becomes business as usual?
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