Shaun Thomson, CEO of Sandler Training UK, gives his top advice for public speaking from an executive perspective. It’s well documented that many people find the thought of public speaking more frightening that going to the dentist, handling spiders or even death! Even the most seasoned CEOs can find public speaking frightening, or at best, […]
The question often posed to the software industry is how do privately owned software companies achieve high valuations whilst simultaneously loosing huge sums of money?
Presenting is a skill you learn again and again as your role and what’s being presented changes, however, in a world of data and numbers, presenting has become a burdensome but necessary part of your CEO role.
Jeff Bezos explained his ambitious vision for Amazon in a 1999 interview. He made clear the company’s focus was on “great customer service” and discussed his real estate strategy. Bezos said, “There’s no guarantee that can be a successful company. What we’re trying to do is very complicated.” He added, “Scale is important to […]
While it’s essential to build solid bonds with your team and colleagues, defining areas of respect, authority and productivity can be challenging when navigating the line between boss and friend.
Hiring a CEO is a big task. Finding the perfect candidate to lead a business takes a lot of work and requires a thorough and robust recruitment process in order to get it right. Whilst many organisations work with recruitment agencies to help find candidates, a more prudent approach to ensure the best possible candidates […]
While most corporates and businesses have implemented a social impact strategy, many are typically incongruent with the company’s profitability and growth objectives and are often rendered obsolete. Effective social impact strategies need to be ingrained in the very fabric of a company’s corporate DNA, and not just a tick in the box. Companies are still […]
With 2018 behind us, it feels like so long ago that some of the year’s biggest stories have gone by and faded into obscurity—though some have had such a piercing impact that we still feel the rippling effect to this day. As we begin the new year, it’s time to look back over some of […]
Today, competition can seemingly come from any geography or sector, and customer loyalty can dissolve in a click. Given this rapidly changing landscape, smart corporate leaders are increasingly looking to design as a crucial source of differentiation. What exactly do we mean when we talk about “design?” Well, much like “analytics” and “big data,” design […]
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