Are You Sure You Want to Be a CEO?

January 28, 2019
A question often not asked enough. When we think of CEO – we likely think of the positives: the recognition, power, and leadership. It’s not always that way.
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6 Things to Know as a First Time CEO

January 24, 2019
CEOs are dropping like flies these days. From scandals to poor management, there’s always a door opening for a new CEO, so how can you, a potential first time CEO, get one step ahead of your competitors?
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The Irony of Poor Leadership Choices and How They Affect Everything Else

January 21, 2019
A CEO’s stock in trade is his decision making. As the sayings go, “the CEO is the bottom line,” and “the buck stops with them.”
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Apple CEO Tim Cook On China, Wall Street and Innovation

January 21, 2019
Jim Cramer goes one-on-one with Apple CEO Tim Cook to find out more about what the company is seeing in China, where he sees growth in the coming year and more. In its last fiscal year, Apple generated $100 billion in revenue that was not tied to what has long been considered its flagship product, […]
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Here’s How and Why More Women in the Boardroom Is a Good Thing

January 17, 2019
In most boardrooms, the majority of directors are male. This comes down to outdated biases and a lack of understanding around the benefits of gender diversity.
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Does Being Good-Looking Make You a More Electable CEO?

January 16, 2019
Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Enrique Peña Nieto. All three have two very similar characteristics in common. They all hold high political office and all are considered by many to be good-looking. Is this a simple coincidence or could there be a link between their electoral success and apparent attractiveness?
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Can CEOs Solve the Brexit Blunder?

January 9, 2019
With the twists and turns of the political landscape, providing an opener for the dramas to come in Westminster in 2019, it came as no surprise that Ipsos Mori’s annual ranking of the most and least trusted professions placed politicians at the bottom of the list.
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How Tim Cook Makes And Spends His Millions

December 17, 2018
Apple CEO Tim Cook's estimated net worth is $625 million, lower than most of his tech CEO peers, and he spends his wealth much more frugally than many others. His leadership at Apple has led to a shift in philanthropic giving.
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Why All Directors (Not Just the FD) Must Understand Financial Reports

December 12, 2018
In light of the recent events concerning Patisserie Valerie, what steps should a board of Directors take to ensure that the financial corporate governance of the business is robust?
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Clash or Complement: What Can the Elite CEOs Learn From Each Other?

November 29, 2018
There are a number of different ways to run a business, and it takes a careful balance of different factors. Do you lead with your personality? Your sense of management? Honesty and humility, or being brash and bold? Lead with conscientiousness and care, or push the envelope unabashedly for the new and innovative? Whatever your […]
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Not Going to University was the Best Decision I Ever Made: Life Hacks from a Successful CEO

November 29, 2018
2018 marks eight years since I sat with a UCAS rejection letter in hand, forced to do a U-turn on my future plans. I still remember the despair I felt when I didn’t get accepted into university. I was the only one of my friends not planning their final summer trips before heading off or shopping for duvet sets […]
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How Can I Be Taken Seriously As a CEO?

November 27, 2018
The earlier you can prove yourself, the sooner you’ll relax into the role and be able to perform to your best ability. The career experts at CABA have offered their tips on gaining professional respect. Dress the part Most workplaces have a dress code, whether official or unofficial. If you ignore it and dress too […]
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