Ragu Bhargava: The Man who Loves Complexity

January 31, 2018
Ragu Bhargava is not only a successful serial entrepreneur, he is probably the most optimistic one. In his view, there is no problem that cannot be solved. Ragu’s driving idea – the idea that animates his life, that guides his business and makes him show up to work at 4:00 am – is that there […]
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GDPR: Does Your Supply Chain Comply?

January 25, 2018
In May 2018 the EU’s new data protection regulation, GDPR will come into force, leaving little room for non-compliant businesses. Below Stephen Bailey, associate director at NCC Group, talks CEO Today through the intricate maze of rules, which mostly focus on transparency, and touches on the potential consequences of non-compliance. Consider the way in which […]
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ATT Urges Businesses to Prepare for 2 Step Verification

September 12, 2017
The Association of Taxation Technicians (ATT) is advising UK businesses who need to access online HMRC tax accounts to get prepared for an additional layer of security that becomes compulsory from later this month. HMRC are making it mandatory for businesses accessing their online tax accounts to use the 2 Step Verification (2SV) procedure. Examples […]
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C-Suite Members Could Have Personal Liability for Whistleblowing Claims

September 4, 2017
The broad scope of UK whistleblowing laws is a significant issue for members of the C-Suite. The risk and liability for C-Suite members has never been higher with members of this group increasingly being drawn into complex whistleblowing disputes. Here David Ashmore, council and Douglas Cherry, partner, Reed Smith LLP, talk to CEO Today about […]
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5 Reasons Why Managing Risk Goes Beyond Tightening Rules

August 10, 2017
There is more to managing risk than ensuring external regulatory and compliance requirements are met. Indeed, a modern, fast-moving business faces risk every day. Alex Poppleton, Principal Consultant at Kotter International, here talks to CEO Today about the potential once compliance is no longer the pinnacle of every decision. There are simply too many variables […]
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1 in 5 Executives Believe GDPR is Irrelevant to Them

July 20, 2017
Many global business decision makers are unaware of the implications of the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as other compliance regulations like PCI-DSS and ISO27001/2, with one in five admitting they do not know which regulations their organization is subject to. This is according to the 2017 Risk:Value report, commissioned by NTT Security, the specialized security […]
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