“Elon Musk, while you try to colonise Mars — Russia try to occupy Ukraine! While your rockets successfully land from space — Russian rockets attack Ukrainian civil people!" Ukraine’s vice prime minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, tweeted. Internet connectivity in Ukraine has been heavily impacted by the Russia invasion, particularly in the south and east of the […]
My work with co-founder teams always addresses conflict, which can be productive or destructive. In healthy, high-performing teams, conflict is welcome and productive. And when it’s destructive, it can threaten the stability and future of the company. Conflict is often driven by beliefs or experiences related to an aspect of a co-founder’s life that may […]
At managerial level, in particular, there are two different personality types: the ‘cuddly,’ harmony-seeking boss who would prefer everybody to agree on everything, and who above all wants to be liked by his or her staff; and the tough, success-oriented executive who is quite prepared to put up with significant clashes of interest within the […]
Looking after the next generation and navigating succession has always been a hot topic in private equity. While succession planning is undoubtedly important for the continuity and sustainability of any business, it can be even more trying for private equity firms.
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