A Zero-Trust Future For A Hybrid Working World

October 7, 2021
Michele Mabilia, Head of Product Marketing at Kyocera Document Solutions UK, explains why a holistic approach to security is the best way forward. As employees return to offices, what was a largely successful period of remote working for many businesses is now giving way to a hybrid working future. Flexibility for employees is now the […]
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Tips From The Mental Health First Aid England CEO On Preparing For A Healthy Return To The Office

October 5, 2021
Simon Blake, Chief Executive at Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, explains how to prepare for a happy, healthy return to the office post-covid restrictions. Since March 2020 we have all lived with constant change and uncertainty. Unsurprisingly this has affected our mental health and wellbeing. With over half of British people experiencing ‘high levels’ […]
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