Saudi Arabia Calls Jeff Bezos Phone Hacking Claims 'Absurd'

January 22, 2020
Following recent news of Jeff Bezos' personal phone being allegedly hacked in 2018 by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, the accused embassy has denied the allegations as "absurd."
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5 Buzz Trends in Cyber Security That You Need to Know for 2020

January 14, 2020
The definition of best practice in cyber security is constantly in flux, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest industry guidance.
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2020 – The Year of Cybercrime?

December 20, 2019
Over the course of 2019, there has been a massive 54% increase in data breaches and the consequences in many cases are dire. What you read in the press is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the severity of these attacks and the headlines are dominated by huge fines imposed upon global […]
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What Boards of Directors Are Missing About Cybersecurity

November 5, 2019
When there is incongruity between the extent of the Board’s cybersecurity knowledge and the level of decision-making authority they hold, that’s a recipe for bike-shedding.
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CEOs Must Polish Up on Business Security

September 25, 2019
For every technological innovation pushing enterprises forward today, there seem to be just as many horror stories about data leaks, successful hacks, ransomware and worse. It’s enough to give even the most confident business leader pause, and likewise, it’s indicative of a disconnect that exists between the pace of innovation and technological implementation, and the […]
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BioCatch: Catching Fraudsters with Behavioral Biometrics

August 30, 2019
Howard Edelstein is the Chairman and CEO of BioCatch, a revolutionary digital identity company that uses Behavioral Biometrics to capture how users interact with their devices for identity proofing, authentication and fraud prevention. But what is this rapidly growing technology and how does it work? In this interview, Howard tells us about his arrival at […]
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The Worst Computer Viruses in History

June 28, 2019
By Louisa Rochford   Viruses have always existed. We get infected, we get sick, and our bodies work in overdrive to allow us to heal and get better, with assistance in the form of better diets, medication and other remedies and solutions. Computers and other devices can also get sick with dreaded and powerful viruses—though […]
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Governance, Accountability and Ownership of Cybersecurity

April 30, 2019
In businesses, large and small, cyber anxiety is reaching epidemic levels. With crippling breaches, damaging fines, internal and external threats and careers on the line, CEOs need to champion effective cyber leadership. But what exactly does that look like? The short answer is that cyber leadership looks like teamwork and feels like a culture of […]
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43% of Senior Execs Claim Their Employers Have Suffered a Cyberattack

February 11, 2019
Just 51% of senior executives and managers in the UK believe the organisations they work for have good strategies in place for dealing with cyber-attacks.
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C-Suite Beware: The Dangers of the Dark Web

January 31, 2019
When your company’s computer systems are hacked, the chances are that some of the stolen data will end up for sale on the dark web. No business, large or small, can afford to look away. The dark web has multiple identities. Parts of this vast information and communications universe are relatively benign. Some inhabitants might […]
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Plan Ahead & Get Your Organisation Cyber-Ready

November 26, 2018
Most of us will be familiar with the old adage “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. Nowhere is this more pertinent than when it comes to protecting a business from cyber-attacks.
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6 Mistakes CEOs Make During Cyber-Attacks

October 11, 2018
Incident management is often seen as little more than the necessary, slightly depressing clean-up after a major cyber incident. But the way a CEO handles a hack could have a long-term impact on reputation that far outstrips the initial financial losses. Here Phil Chambers, COO at Metro Communications, offers expert insight into the common mistakes […]
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