Eight Steps to Reframe Failure

January 25, 2021
Common wisdom says that failure leads to growth, but all too often it is punished in big business. How can we go about removing the stigma from human error?
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5 Top Business Books CEOs Should Be Reading in Lockdown

June 2, 2020
Lockdown measures are beginning to ease, though some business leaders will be out of the office for a while longer. Are you taking advantage of this extra enforced time at home?
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What Happens If You Don’t Keep Records of Your R&D Activities?

December 10, 2019
Launched in the year 2000, R&D (Research and Development) Tax Credits essentially offer a tax break for businesses engaged in innovation and was set up by the UK Government.
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How to Avoid Disaster During Times of Company Change

November 27, 2019
Every organisation goes through changes that impact employees. These can come in many guises from company rebrands to mergers and acquisitions and from office openings to product launches.
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Leadership Development: What’s the Best Approach?

November 27, 2019
Charlie Wagstaff, Managing Director at Criticaleye, delves into the importance of continuous learning and development even when you’ve reached the top. In today’s fast-paced environment with disruptive competitors around every corner, most CEOs and C-suite executives accept that knowing everything as a leader is no longer possible (perhaps it never was). As a general rule, […]
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Can CEOs Sustain Company Ethics in a World Led by Robots?

August 30, 2019
Ethics in business are nothing new, and ethics itself has been a topic of conversation and debate for thousands of years.
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The Best of Both Worlds: Uniting Leadership Development and Corporate Responsibility

July 31, 2019
Gillian Murray has been Chief Executive of Pilotlight since 2013. Her previous roles include managing a language teaching and training business in Italy, and acting as country director for Voluntary Service Overseas in Laos PDR. In this article, Gillian discusses how uniting leadership development and corporate responsibility strategies makes good business sense.   Arguably, the […]
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Retailers in Crisis: Here's What's Damaging the Bottom Line

July 24, 2019
Nothing drives home how ‘digital’ the modern world of retail has become more than the domino-like toppling effect of household retail brands.
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What’s the Key to a High Performance Ecommerce Strategy?

June 28, 2019
Similarly to emerging technology, eCommerce is continuing to rapidly develop. In this time of extraordinarily swift change and innovation, the importance of staying ahead of the curve and taking key steps to develop and execute and effective eCommerce strategy is more vital then ever before.
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How Microlearning Can Support Continued Personal Growth

May 31, 2019
We all understand the importance of employees having a growth mindset and engaging in lifelong learning. These are essential habits for CEOs to foster at a cultural level. This is as important for retention as it is for productivity. Attitudes among employees, particularly for voluntary learning and building on soft skills, has changed. Having the […]
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Tips for Taking Your New Business Venture to the Next Level

May 28, 2019
When you launch a startup, for a time all efforts are focused on getting off the ground. From planning your business model to recruiting the talent you need, reaching the end of that runway is all that seems important.
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How Entrepreneurs Can Profile Themselves to Achieve Their Full Potential

April 30, 2019
Advising and profiling leaders for the past 18 years, I’ve been lucky enough to learn a lot about what works, what doesn’t and why. As I have profiled these people, I have lived their journeys with them and while I’ve not bourn the scars or failure (nor shared in the rewards of success) in their […]
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