Technology-Enabled Market Research Company Maru Group and its CEO – Ged Parton

November 30, 2017
Ged Parton is the CEO of Maru Group, the technology-enabled market research and customer insights company. The Group provides their clients with targeted, relevant insights at speed enabling them to adapt their corporate strategy, then scale and innovate quickly to stay ahead of the competition.  Since the Group was founded in 2016, Maru has made […]
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Reframing the Mission for Business Sustainability

October 30, 2017
The private sector’s role in sustainable development has come a very long way since the Brundtland Commission defined the concept back in the 1980s. Back then just the notion of corporate social responsibility was a novel, and not widely accepted, idea. But today you would be hard pressed to find a large multi-national that doesn’t […]
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Sluggish SME Development Hurts Jobs and the Economy

October 20, 2017
With more than 201 million workers unemployed in 2017 – an increase of 3.4 million compared to 2016 – enterprises, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), play a crucial role in creating decent jobs around the globe. Between 2003 and 2016, the number of full-time employees within SMEs nearly doubled, with the share of total […]
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How to Grow your Business and Why this is Important

September 27, 2017
  You don’t need to be an expert in the business world to understand that resting on your laurels can be detrimental to your success and profitability. While it’s an achievement to get a company off the ground, by then going through the motions you can not only inhibit growth, you could put your business […]
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Nokia’s CEO Cormac Whelan: “Good leaders should always strive to find the right balance between direction and autonomy!”

August 24, 2017
This month, Katina Hristova had the honour of interviewing Cormac Whelan, who became the CEO of Nokia UK and Ireland in 2016, following the integration of Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent. Previously, Cormac was the CEO of Alcatel Lucent UK and Ireland. He believes that this has proved to be a really exciting time to be part […]
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Outsourcing 101 – What you need to Know

July 31, 2017
By Kathryn Moran, Partner and Head of Outsourcing at haysmacintyre Outsourcing is now a mainstream agenda item for key decision makers to consider in businesses of all sizes. It encompasses a broad range of services, business, production and manufacturing processes. The development, growth and maturity of the outsourcing market, together with the advent and rapid […]
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IMF Executives Conclude 2017 Consultation with South Africa

July 18, 2017
A few weeks back, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund concluded the Article IV consultation[1] with South Africa. Living conditions have ameliorated substantially for the bulk of South Africa's population during the past two decades, but the pace of improvement has gradually slowed. Following last year's near-standstill in economic activity, growth is projected […]
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