
Getting Digital Transformation Right First Time, Every Time

March 11, 2019
In the digital world where practices such as Agile and DevOps are increasingly taking centre stage, robust, high quality software testing is integral to success.
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How Close Are We to the Age of the Nomad CEO?

February 15, 2019
Not only can workers do their jobs from home, but it is now possible to run an entire company remotely.
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Why Success or Failure of Digital Transformation Starts in the C-suite

January 31, 2019
Most business leaders I speak to are investing heavily in digital transformation. In today’s world, it’s a given – no-one wants to get left behind. But it’s a complex task and organisations often struggle with it. According to a recent Econsultancy report, only one in five (21%) executives believe their CEO sets a clear digital […]
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Do You Have the Skills to Navigate Businesses Through Digital Transformation?

January 23, 2019
Technology is a powerful enabler, but leaders need closer guidance in bringing about the business and cultural changes required to make digital transformation a success
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The Importance of Spoken Word in an Increasingly Digital Workplace

January 16, 2019
Should CEOs be encouraging more interaction between employees and putting in place initiatives that sharpen presentation, networking and collaborative skills rather than relying on technology?
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5 Ways to Boost Your Digital Wellbeing in 2019

January 14, 2019
As we enter 2019, the proliferation of digital devices means that we’re constantly connected to the office wherever we might be, making it difficult to switch off from work, even when we should.
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Key eCommerce Trends for 2019

January 9, 2019
Global ecommerce sales will reach £3.5 trillion by 2021. There’s a lot of money to be made. There are even more customers to engage with.
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The Top 10 Lessons Businesses Learned from 2018

December 19, 2018
This year the advancement of the digital world has accelerated with record speed and we have seen phenomenal interest in companies embracing not only the technology but also the culture and ethos that goes hand in hand with digital transformation.
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Why Showing Up Still Matters in a Digital-First World

December 18, 2018
I remember when it first happened to me. I was momentarily distracted by an incoming message from someone not in my meeting, when I was asked by those present, “What are your thoughts, Adam?” Good question. The meeting was a conference call with our 250 senior leaders and at that moment, I had no idea […]
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Can Your Company Afford Counterfeits?

November 29, 2018
Running a successful company takes a lot of work. There are so many different factors that must perfectly coalesce to create a compelling brand or product that consumers want to purchase, and many executives recognise that the multitude of perfectly converging factors that form a winning company could almost feel like luck if they didn’t […]
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What Really Caused Google’s Unthinkable Workplace Backlash?

November 28, 2018
In recent events, Google staff around the world rose together to protest the company’s workplace culture, following claims of sexual harassment, gender inequality and systemic racism. The protests span across the globe, in all major cities Google holds office, from Tokyo & Singapore to London and Zurich.
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What Are China’s Biggest Digital Marketing Opportunities?

October 24, 2018
China is the largest country in the world, with a population of just over 1.4 billion. As a nation that has developed greatly over the past decades, and given the globalisation that the introduction and rise of the internet has provided, it presents a lot of opportunities for interested CEOs. Aside from exporting and importing […]
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CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.
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