
The Vital Role of Non-Executive Directors in Selling a Business

July 31, 2017
Lord Leigh of Hurley, Senior Partner of Cavendish Corporate Finance LLP below discusses for CEO Today, the importance of non-executive directors (NEDs) in the sale of a company. Non-executive directors (NEDs) are an often underused asset during the sale of a business. While a company’s owners, advisors and senior management team should rightly lead the […]
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Shocking Employee Traits That Will Make You Want to Hire or Fire

July 21, 2017
Employees are always wondering why the other guy got the promotion or why they got the sack. This may be the long-awaited moment of truth. UK online printer, instantprint, recently conducted research in which 500 senior UK operatives were surveyed on things employees do that frustrates them as well as what impresses them. Having a […]
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