Employee Wellbeing Is Suffering But There Is Hope For Organisations

February 8, 2022
Harry Bliss, CEO and co-founder of workplace wellbeing experts Champion Health, explains how business leaders can ensure their employees are thriving rather than surviving.  I believe that ‘health and wellbeing’ is everyone’s business. Almost every area of your health influences your performance levels – at work and beyond. The same is true for every single […]
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Win The Employee Retention Battle At The Start Of 2022

January 27, 2022
Danni Rush, Chief Operating Officer at Virgin Experience Days and Virgin Incentives, explains what employers can do to keep their staff feeling valued amid a period of heightened employee dissatisfaction.  Employee retention should be one of, if not the, biggest priority for any business. Although increasing revenue and attracting new clients may seem like more […]
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The Great Resignation: How To Prevent Employees From Jumping Ship

January 25, 2022
Vaibhav Jain, CEO and Founder of Hubilo, explains what business leaders can do to prevent their staff from handing in their notice amid a time of heightened employee dissatisfaction. The post-pandemic era is bringing many changes to working environments and employee expectations, with many now looking to jump ship in favour of better pay and […]
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5 Tips For More Productive Advisory Board Meetings

December 6, 2021
The average CEO spends 72% of their time in meetings, according to the Harvard Business Review. It’s by far their dominant activity, so any productivity advice for them should focus squarely on how to get the most out of their meetings. CEOs are often paid the most per minute of anyone in a company, so […]
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10 Ways You Are Disengaging Your Employees

November 23, 2021
A record 4.4 million Americans quit their jobs in September, while in the UK nearly 25% of employees are planning to change jobs in the next 3-6 months.  Anecdotally, “retaining good people” is the number one issue on the minds of many CEOs and senior leaders. COVID-19’s consequences—lockdown-induced stress, Zoom fatigue, government wage support, wage […]
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How To Communicate Your Core Pillars To Candidates And Employees

November 23, 2021
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many new employees may have joined your team while working remotely or in hybrid situations. It can be difficult to convey your value system to someone you’ve never met in person, but there are actions you can take to catch them up to speed. Read on for tips on how to […]
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Celebrating Christmas In The Post-Pandemic Workplace

November 11, 2021
Danni Rush, Chief Operating Officer at Virgin Experience Days and Virgin Incentives, explains how businesses can celebrate Christmas now Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. Christmas is a special time of year to celebrate with friends and family – and also work. The Christmas party is an important milestone in the company calendar, giving workforces an […]
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Tips To Manage Staff Absence

November 10, 2021
If a business wants to grow, it should start by employing loyal and dependable people. Regardless of the character of the employee, they will fall ill or have an unmissable emergency that pulls them out of work. The management should have contingencies in place to cope with the temporary absence of key employees or their […]
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Want Exciting R&D? Treat Your Workforce Like Entrepreneurs And Give Them Headspace

November 9, 2021
What fuels creativity? Some argue that it’s the challenge of a deadline. Others say that it’s the drive to solve problems and create a better world. From firsthand experience, I’ve seen how encouraging freedom drives ideas and innovation. Yet the way in which businesses across all industries structure their working days gives little allowance for […]
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How To Manage Employees With Side Hustles Outside Of Work

September 28, 2021
Julie Lock, commercial director at workforce management solutions provider Mitrefinch, lists out some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to managing employees who have started their own business project. A new study has revealed that 25 percent of employees in the UK have a side hustle outside of their main job, allowing people […]
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Four Ways You Can Take Better Care Of Your Employees

September 20, 2021
As a CEO, we do not need to tell you how brutally tough the last eighteen months have been. If you have managed to keep your business afloat during this period and you are still going strong, then you have accomplished something that is truly worth celebrating. This is a testament to your resolve, your […]
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Best Qualities Of A Good Employee

August 23, 2021
Being a great employee is more than reading the onboarding materials and showing up on time. These days, if you want the benefits of job security, insurance, and other perks, you’ve got to go beyond the bare minimum. As any entrepreneur will attest, great employees may be the most important asset in the entire business. […]
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