Why I Invite All 1200 of My Employees to Board Meetings

August 21, 2018
Bipul Sinha, Co-Founder and CEO of Rubrik, regularly invites all his 1200 employees around the globe to take part in his board meetings. But surely that’s a little too many? Here Bipul explains his motives, which all in all, boil down to an inclusive workplace culture. Some attend in-person. Others by teleconference. No question is […]
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Is It Time to Change the Way We Think About Skills?

August 7, 2018
Last year, when Prime Minister Theresa May launched the UK government’s Industrial Strategy she said "a successful economy must be built on firm foundations", going on to list a number of factors that are required to create a stable base, including the availability of skills in the UK workforce. Bearing this in mind, the UK […]
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1/3rd of Employees Feel Their Company Doesn’t Listen to Their Ideas

August 2, 2018
Over a third of employees (34%) worldwide think that their company doesn’t listen to their ideas for improving the business, according to new research released by idea management company, Sideways 6. The findings have been announced alongside the launch of Sideways 6’s inaugural State of Employee Ideas report, which explores how employees at all levels, […]
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Why Culture is the Key to a Company’s Long-term Success

July 31, 2018
It is undeniable that strong leadership, strategic focus and exceptional client service are critical to business success. However, a strong company culture is the backbone of any world-class organisation and should be the ultimate objective for every CEO. Particularly for a professional services organisation, which focuses on people and relationships, there is nothing more important than […]
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Why Your Employees Need a ‘Mental Health Day’

July 31, 2018
An employee calling in sick to work is considered completely acceptable if it’s for a migraine, stomach bug or physical injury. But what about the days a member of staff is at work and although they’re not physically ill, mentally they are absent? It’s estimated that mental health-related presenteeism costs employers up to 3x the […]
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Contact Centres Fail to Engage and Retain Younger Employees

July 30, 2018
Young Millennial / GenZ Customer Service Agents (ages 18-24) could be the largest customer service agent demographic in the next several years but they could also be the least happy and most likely to leave their jobs, according to the 2nd annual Aspect Agent Experience Index survey, which surveyed US employees. Not only is this […]
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How Do You Encourage Happiness in the Workplace?

July 25, 2018
Are the British public happy with their work life? Apparently not, according to research by the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF). The data found that nearly half of the respondents wanted to change jobs and more than 20% were hoping to be in a different role in the next 12 months. It was […]
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Are Unlimited Holidays a Good Workplace Incentive?

July 24, 2018
Employee satisfaction and retention is key for any business – unhappy employees are unlikely to give their 100%, and a high staff turnover causes disruption and costs a company money. According to Glassdoor’s 2015 Employment Confidence Survey, about 60% of people report that benefits and perks are a major factor in considering whether to accept a job offer. For that […]
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Mental Health Misconceptions Cause 1 in 4 Employees to Delay Getting Help

July 19, 2018
The majority of UK employees struggle to identify symptoms of common mental health conditions, resulting in treatment delays for millions of workers. The study from Bupa examined employees’ understanding of key psychological and behavioural symptoms of six of the most prevalent mental health conditions in the UK, as well as identifying widely-held misconceptions. Industry figures […]
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The Top 10 Most Common Reasons Employees Have Been Fired

July 18, 2018
Figures from ONS as per the report ‘Labour Force Survey’ shows that the number of unemployed people increased between August to October 2017 and November 2017 to January 2018. Whether the reason for unemployment was being dismissed from a job or leaving willingly, this perhaps shows that many brits are unsure of their suitability for […]
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Here’s Why Inclusion & Diversity in the Workplace is a Big Deal

July 4, 2018
There has been much discussion recently around inclusion and diversity in the workforce with high-profile campaigns such as the gender pay gap really driving the issue forward. The result has been a genuine effort and momentum to move towards a more inclusive and diverse workforce which is truly representative of a wider society. Here Sian Fisher, CEO of […]
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Businesses Need More Support to Help Employees Tackle Alcohol and Drugs

June 19, 2018
Employees who use drugs or misuse alcohol are more likely to take time off, display poor performance and their behaviour could increase the risk of accidents, all of which can result in increased costs and risks to business, particularly if roles involve machinery or are safety critical. Employers are crucial to promoting the health and […]
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